Wendy Burt joins us on the podcast today. She is one of my people to go to for advice and information and she is always happy to share her knowledge.
Wendy is a happily married mum of two handsome young men. She lives in Essex and has held a variety of paid and voluntary roles within the SEND arena.
For many years, she was the parent carer rep for Learning Disability England. She is now the co-ordinator and part of the team at Essex Carer’s Network
Wendy shares her tips on how she separates work from home life (something many parent carers who work in the carer or parent rep world can struggle with). She talks about learning to say “no” and valuing her family time. Wendy also talks arts, crafts and downtime – she also talks about the benefits of having a husband who has taken retirement (and I have to admit to being just that little bit jealous)!