Like many women, I have spent most of my adult life on some kind of diet. If you can name a diet, I have probably tried it. However, the one belief I have always held is that if chocolate did not exist, I would have no weight problem.
My love of chocolate
I love the stuff. Be it as a bar of just chocolate or a bar with fruit, nuts, biscuit, caramel or nougat or a biscuit or a cake or a pudding. Chocolate is my thing. I can take or leave crisps and although I love bread, I can happily live without it. Chocolate however, is a different passion. I just cannot get enough of it!
The only format of chocolate I don’t like is hot chocolate – not sure why but I can’t stand the stuff. Every dieter says to me, oh have an Options when you fancy some chocolate but I just cannot drink the stuff (and believe me when I say I have tried).
Giving up chocolate
I am in a Facebook group with other mums trying to be healthier (while also trying to survive in the world of SEND) and two weeks ago, I introduced a new challenge to the group (because we had totally gone off track). We each had to commit to one healthier habit for just 7 days.
We all chose something different, some gave up crisps, some committed to move more, some committed to staying on plan for 7 days, some would drink more water and one nutter signed up for a Christmas shred!
I went for 7 days of no chocolate.
And I succeeded.
However, I replaced the chocolate with biscuits. Coconut ring, anyone? Ginger snap? Jammy Dodger (yes, seriously – this was where I ended up). I was actually quite impressed with the variety of biscuits without chocolate.
So the next 7 days, I went for no chocolate and no replacing the chocolate with biscuits!
Again, I succeeded.
However, once again, I replaced the chocolate and biscuits with more sugar filled delights. Belgian Bun, anyone? Custard slice? Bowl of ice cream with strawberry sauce?
I have realised that chocolate is not my problem. It’s sugar. I can survive without chocolate but I am no nearer to being without a weight problem than when I do have it.
This week’s challenge
This week, starting today, I am aiming for a week with no sweet things. Or more accurately, no sweet crap.
I can eat fruit, I can have greek yoghurt and I can have naturally sweet foods but no biscuits, chocolate, ice cream, cake or pastry items.
I am not going full no-carb as I believe small steps make it easier to stick to something.
Wish me luck as I think this is going to be a real challenge. As I am writing this I can’t decide whether to drool at the list of goodies above or cry!
Have you ever given up sugar? Do you have any tips (apart from don’t do it)?
I genuinely wish you all the luck in the world with this one! I do think the first couple of days will be the hardest, then the craving will lessen x